November 26, 2005

Gokulam Underwater!

Due to the non-stop rain this November, Gokulam was flooded
for 2 week. Most cupboards, pantry cupboards and school furnitures
have been damaged. The flood has dried up now and everything
is settling back to normal.

November 14, 2005

Navarathiri Festival

The children of Gokulam celebrated the Navarathri festival on the 14th November 2005. Children also took part in a Bharatha-Naytam dancing and Carnatic singing program.

October 22, 2005

Trip to 'Guruge Nature Park'

The Children go on a trip to 'Guruge Nature Park' on the the 22nd October 2005. This was sponsored by: Mr. Ken Selvaraja, Mrs. Sandra Selvaraja from the Lion's club of Canada, along with the Lion's club of Colombo mid town.

September 9, 2005

Art Therapy & Mural Painting

Ashley Dorr, an Art Therapist from USA conducted art therapy sessions for the children
and also helped them to paint a Mural in the boundary wall the our home during the
month of August, 2005

August 25, 2005

The Ten Dollar Club

The Ten Dollar Club supports Gokulam with $2000 grantFood for Life Global continues to financially support our expansion.

June 25, 2005

Poetry Competition

The Bhaktivedanta International School was one of about twenty schools competing in a local poetry reciting competition. The children took home the gold medal in each of the three age groups.

From Left to Right: Logapriya, Punithawathy, Paranika, Nandarani Devi (Principal), Gajenthini, Kalpana

May 2, 2005

UAF supports the Home

United Aid Foundation (UAF) sponsored six children for two years from May 2005.

Dwight Englewood School Supports Home

Dwight Englewood School sponsored five children for one year from May.

March 18, 2005

CHF gives grant

CHF International donated US $3,300 to support the home in providing a new home to children orphaned by the Tsunami in March 17th 2005

February 18, 2005

Jurek Oswiak

Jurek Oswiak, voted the most popular man in Poland, visited the children on February 18, 2005. He was in Sri Lanka to donate medical supplies at public hospitals that care for children.

February 15, 2005

Children orphaned by the Tsunami

Tsunami struck Sri Lanka in December 2004. We have already received many children orphaned by the Tsunami. T hey are getting accustomed to the other hcildren and their new home quiet well.

We now have 32 Tsunami affected children at our orphanage.

January 29, 2005

Anita Tornoczky, daughter of the former Prime Minister of Hungary visits Home

Anita Tornoczky, daughter of the former Prime Minister of Hungary, visited the Children’s Home on January 29, 2005. Being impressed with the program that she decided to sponsor two children for life.

January 9, 2005


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